Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

It's only 10 am and I'm feeling great! The day looks beautiful too! Not much to do today....

When I get my cocktail - one is a steroid....couldn't fall asleep!!!! Starving but I held my ground and didn't eat anything! Slept on the recliner in my Mom's room which actually worked out great as I was able to watch TV without disturbing Charlie.

I'm sure I'll cat nap today!

Sad thing is that Charlie is getting use to me not sleeping next to him....our bed is queen size and he loves to 'spread out'!!! and not hear any....any snore? I don't hear it?!! LOL Told him NOT to get use to it!!! I'll be back!!!

Samantha went to the allergist yesterday along with Paul....seems she is highly allergic to mozzarella cheese!!! Milk is on the list too and that's what she originally thought - so now she's not sure as what to eat for breakfast or sometimes dinner....cereal was her 'staple'!!! Eggs are also on that list...but in moderation it's okay.

Paul is hanging in there...I really have to give him credit...he is making his own meals (and leaving his trail)...but at least I don't have to go crazy figuring out on what he will be eating.

Both kids do their own thing....which is a definite help!

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