Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7th

I didn't realize that I hadn't blogged here goes....

There was an older woman with her husband getting ready for her radiation treatment on Monday. The woman was frail and had a beautiful smile. The husband was handsome and always cracking a joke. They reminded me of what Charlie and I may be like when we are 'alot' older. She even commented on how nice my hair was and who cut it. I didn't have time to tell her that I do it myself! One time, when we have time to talk I will ask her...I wonder if she is/was a that would be a hoot!


Wednesday, November 6th

Every fifth time (supposidly, give or take a day) they do an x-ray right before the I had that and then after the treatment I saw the doctor (you do that once a week). Again, I was pretty much in and out...and because it was a nice day I decided to run to Kohl's and pick up a bra....well, I ended up beginning my Christmas shopping! and I did get two bra's! Now, do I hold the other things I bought for myself and wrap them??? or do I begin using them????

On my way home, which was about 12:15, knowing that I had to begin my chemo pill I was wondering if I should put it off until today (Thursday) due to me not even eating breakfast yet....

The little angel sitting on my shoulder kept whispering 'yes, take it' while the devil on the other side said 'wait'....I decided to listen to the angel!

Dr. May said that there doesn't have to be a certain amount of time in between that was actually my answer.

I took one right after I ate my breakfast (which was 12:45)...then about 9 pm I decided to take the other...the hardest thing is deciding what to eat with the later one. It's not that I eat bread or crackers....I had some pepperoni and cheese then took the pill.


Thursday, November 7th

Again, in and out....My appt. is 10:30 and I was out back in my car by 10:46. It was drizzeling so I'm glad I went shopping yesterday even though I had more time today.

Ate my breakfast and took my pill....this week (until next Wednesday) I take 1 in the morning and 1 at night.

Next week I go for the CBC blood work and take 2 in the morning and 1 at night....this is to keep the symptoms from coming on too strong....something I can definitely handle.

I really think Dr. May is so afraid that because I am the one taking these pills on my own I'm sure she's wondering if I really am taking them.....

I prefer these pills to work rather than going there for hours at a time while getting the chemo pumped (via IV) into my body.

I may have already mentioned this. Dr. May wants me to take these continuely for 2 to 3 months, then do a scan to see if/they are working or did their job! Now to pray that these do work and I'll be done in a few months with the chemo!!!! This I can handle!

Charlie and I watched a TV movie last night where there was a man that was holding people hostage in a restaurant - no one knowing anyone other than who they were dining with. One gentleman was asked 'why' he wanted to live. He didn't have an answer and the killer then asked him if he would give his life in order for the rest to live. The man said 'no, kill them and let me live'.....with that = I say - I'm glad that I am the one with the cancer rather than anyone else in my family. I know I can do this and I know exactly how I feel. I will take this on for the love of my family.

Yesterday, Nov. 6th was a special healing day for the National Shrine of St. Jude Prayer for Cancer. This is a prayer they also had on this site:

Prayer to St. Jude
Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and
invokes you universally as the patron of hope.
Please intercede on my behalf. Make use of that
particular privilege given to you to bring
hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most.
Come to my assistance in this great
need that I may receive the consolation
and help of heaven as I work with my
challenges, particularly (here make your request).
I praise God with you and all the saints forever.
I promise, blessed St. Jude, to be ever
mindful of this great favor, to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron
and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen

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