Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday, November 16th

What a great feeling = not having to get up and do EVERYTHING so early in the morning. At least to me, it's others that work on a regular basis/schedule = it would be closer to their lunch time!

Our cat did get me up....she's an outside cat that wants to be an indoor cat until yesterday and today. She can't make up her mind. She got me up to eat and go out (the last few days she eaten and stay inside)....then I was on the computer...then back to bed but couldn't fall asleep (go figure).

Took my time - ate breakfast at a normal time and even put a rump roast in the slow cooker and here I sit at 1:30 just getting ready to go downstairs (although I have been up and down all morning).

Radiation: Quick as a bunny yesterday and then off to Newton. I had an appointment to get my eyes checked. It just a little fuzzy and with Charlie having vision insurance I figured I'd take advantage of it. Went to Marshall's first then off for my appointment to find out that I don't need anything stronger (which is good as I just have these glasses for a little over a year) BUT the insurance that Charlie has is no longer!!! I called him (as he had to work yesterday) and he found out that they still have the vision but under a different provider. Now I have to do paperwork to get my money back, minus the deductable.

While there the optometrist highly suggested that I make an appointment with an opthalmologist. Seems that breast cancer can metastasis to the eye....and he wants the retina checked....I also went on line and it does say that this is a possiblity especially if you feel your eye sight is changing....hmmmm, now something else to worry about!

After I had my treatment, the husband and wife were waiting to talk to me....isn't that cute! I'm in a short time so they really didn't have to wait long. One of the nurses was also handing out homemade crochet scarves as one of her friends enjoys making them and giving them away (it's beautifully made!). I think we pretty much caught up on who's who and we know 'who'! I still can't believe this story! Out of all the people that go there - to be scheduled around the same time....and finding out you know their family.....well, you know what I mean.

That's's a gorgeous day today! I have some windows open to let the fresh air in! Enjoy YOU day/weekend!

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