Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013 HAPPY HALLOWEEN

One week done! Five more to go! I'd rather count the weeks than the days.

I met with the radilogist doctor today and everything is fine. The nurse took my weight, body mass, and blood pressure then the doctor asked me a few questions....All is good.

I will meet with Dr. May on Tuesday the 5th of November to talk about the chemo pill. I'm sure I will start taking it on the following Sunday = I hope. I think it would be much easier to take the pills beginning on the first day of the week rather than starting right in the middle....but seems when I want to begin = just may not be when Dr. May highly suggests.....more to come!

Gloomy day for Trick or Treaters; warm enough but it would have been nicer if the sun was out.

We don't get any kids here....our house is too far off the road....which is a good thing because the dogs would just bark all night!!

Charlie is under the weather! Now I have to make sure I don't catch his germs!

Today I drove home a different route....and it turned out to be 3 miles longer and took five more minutes....the old and regular route is fine....all back roads. The only traffic I get is when there is garbage pick up or mail delivery or people riding their bikes.

Happy Halloween!

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