Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday, August 2nd

Went for blood work on Wednesday...they did a 'full' and quickie...all my numbers are good! Not one is too high or to low! But maybe my potassium is low - which I won't find out until tomorrow....

They took me right away....I was even 15 minutes early (I thought my appt. was at 11 - when it was 11:15) I decided to zip on over to DMV to have my car inspected...or at least to see if the line was long or short enough to get in and out right my luck would be...when I went past it I would have been the first one in line - but waiting at the stop sign - two cars went in front of me....which didn't matter at the time they went through - I was able to get my license, registration and insurance card out.

They do it so different....Drove in, woman checked my papers, then asked me to 'step out of the car and sit in the passenger seat'....huh? good grief, you can't question them because they don't I walked around the car and sat! Gentleman got in and did whatever he was suppose to do...felt weird...always walked to another area while they checked the car. When I got back into my seat the guy was so sweet...he said: 'you look really good in this car' -- needless to say, he made my day!!! Had the top down too!

Came home, then had another bathroom run! and was fine the rest of the day.

Today: same thing, fine in the morning but early afternoon - battle of the bowl...quickie....but still?!!!

My face is broken out and eye area is verrrrry dry! Feels like I've been crying. My scalp is still a little itchy but not bad. Appetite isn't all that good...well, it is like it should be. I'm just not 'snacking'....I made homemade chicken noodle soup...put the pasta in the soup and of course, no broth was left...pasta soaked all the broth up! but it sure did taste good! hit the spot! Hot soup on a hot day!!! the way my mother taught me!!!

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