Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday, May 31st

I heard from Dr. Allen late Tuesday....he said that he didn't feel surgery would help at this time...being that these are 'new' lesions, they must be coming from the blood. One thing that can help is chemo. When I told him that I didn't want to do any more chemo he then said they have this Arterial Pump. It is put in your belly, with surgery, and it delivers chemo directly to the liver. So you wouldn't get the same symptoms/side effects from the chemo that goes through the entire body. He also said that it has to be 'emptied' every two or three weeks. Knowing that we don't live 'that close' to the city...he said he would contact Dr. May (my oncologist) to see if she does this or even would do it. Of course he tried calling her right after discussing this with me...but she had already left the office.

I waited around the house all day on Wednesday - thinking I'd get a call back...nothing!

Dr. May's office called today (Thursday) and she asked me to make an appointment to see her and talk to her.....I go on Monday.....

While I was talking to Charlie and Sam tonight...Samantha said that a nurse from Newton Hospital had heard of this pump and also had 'emptied' it....but Sam wasn't too sure of what she was talking about and didn't have any questions at that time...She just remembers the nurse saying that the person she 'worked' on was on the heavy side and the only problem they had was that it was a little uncomfortable.

Right now....I haven't a clue as to what I will do....It will be interesting to see what Dr. May suggests. I have a feeling that she will pursue the chemo issue - one that I really do not want to do....but knowing that a nurse - right here in our backyard - has done this....hmmm....maybe she will tell me about it. I do have some questions that I never did get to ask Dr. Allen about. I wrote them down and will bring them with me on Monday.

My next posting will be about our meeting on Monday.

I go to have one of my back molars 'extracted' tomorrow morning (Friday). I'm going to try just with Novocaine....but Samantha said she'd come with me - just in case I need to be put out! I have a cavity in this tooth that already has a cap and the cavity is so low that the dentist feels if he drilled to fill it - it may he highly suggested pulling it.

I can't believe how much I have to 'think' about!!!! Amazing that I can actually sleep...but when I do wake up during the night to use the bathroom - my mind starts to wander and then I don't fall back to sleep for about an hour! Once the birds start singing and the sun is coming up...then I'm pretty much up...but I stay in bed as long as I can. I do tend to doze a few times...but it's not a deep sleep.

Enough complaining or even rambling on.....more news to follow...........

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