Friday, April 4, 2014

12:43 AM - Saturday, April 5, 2014

Getting ready to go to bed but decided to sit here and type this....

Going to another facility to have a written report for a PET scan can be very confusing. Words used are so different and the meanings are sometimes hard to understand = good? or bad???

I didn't get a copy of this report until Dr. May handed it to me. She discussed it with me but just the highlights of it....

She was very happy with the results...but I didn't quite understand what this report meant? Was I completely healed?

YES, NO signs of breast cancer! Healed!!! God healed me!

Now for the colon cancer....still not 100% sure....reading it over a few times I have come to the conclusion that the lesions are still there but it seems that only one is 'active'. Actually one lesion in the lung is completely gone....and the others have gotten smaller but they don't seem to be active, except for one in the liver.

Dr. May wants me to increase the dosage of the chemo pill - I'm thinking its because she wants to aggressively treat these lesions till they are completely gone. I begin my two weeks ON - I will increase the dose to three (3) 500 mg. and one (1) 150 mg in the morning and then the same at night = for two (2) weeks. I see her the week off and we will see if I have any symptoms.

The only symptom that is annoying is the upset stomach, running back and forth to the bathroom....this time it seemed to be every other day (and on my week off). It's doable but that's because I'm scares me because I never know when I will feel this way.....and why do I let it scare me like this?!!!

God has His plan and it seems that He is healing me. I am staying positive because I do know that one day I will be completely healed!!! God loves us all and wants the best for all of us. I believe!!! I am an open vessel and accepting His words.

Thank you, again, for your continued support and prayers!

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