Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11-12-13 - today's date......

I forgot to mention this....One of my first treatments an older woman and her husband came in after me, Charlie was with me that day....The man was jovial and the woman was smiling....I didn't realize at the time that she too was going to have radiation treatments.

Because you're in and out you really don't have much time to speak to anyone - unless you or they wait to talk when they are all done.

Yesterday, Monday, I had the chance to actually speak to this woman. She told me she is 82 and her husband is 90 (and still drives!). He is a retired cardiologist and practiced in Newton. This is her 3rd marriage and his 2nd. She has two grown children; male 62 and woman 59...she didn't say anything about grandchildren...but then again we didn't have time to really chat.

Today we had a few more minutes. I mentioned to her something I said to Charlie...looking at them = I feel WE'D be like them in a few years...Charlie always joking and me smiling....she chuckled at that. She told me that her first husband died, second one she divorsed and is happily married to Lucian (or Lucas). His first wife passed away. Her name is Dorothy!!! You should have seen the expression on her face when she asked me my name and I told her.... Such a sweet old lady!


Today went well....didn't have to wait too long but long enough to talk to Dorothy! I went for my CBC (blood work) and all my numbers are good. Still taking the chemo pill 2 a day (1 in the morning and 1 at night). Tomorrow (Wednesday) I will begin taking 2 in the morning and 1 at night.

Still feeling fine....a little tired but I know exactly why....Charlie snores! gee, did I mention that before??? Not only with him breathing/snoring in my ear (which really isn't all that loud - until your right next to each other) but the cat loves to wake me early - when it's still dark! Which is before 6 am! We found out that she is now using the kitty litter box in the basement. Charlie put it there to keep the moisture and damp smell by the water tank....Our kitty found it! And here I was wondering why she'd get me up so early and NOT go out = after feeding her! So, I now pet her for a while (while still laying in bed and she's on the floor). She eventually moves back onto her bed by the steps. So here I am - up since before 6...I ended up getting up the second time the cat came meowing in by me which was about 7:30....while Charlie is still snoring away.

Thank goodness I did sleep well all night! until I was able to fall asleep with the snoring and waking up to a meowing cat!

Okay, I'm done complaining and telling my story.....

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