Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Just wanted to let you all know, I have a NEW computer and NO email addresses! I'm waiting to get ALL my junk from my old computer BACK onto this just in case you haven't received an email from me = this is why. Hopefully I do get them all back!

I'd like to WISH all of you Mom's a very Happy Mother's Day! To women that never bore children, you are still a mom to someone! To men that have raised their children while your wife is working, you are considered a mom! and anyone else that I missed = Enjoy your day!

I go see Dr. May on Monday and I figured as long as I'm in Sparta I'll do my 6 month check up with Dr. O'Shea (breast care specialist). They are both in the same building. As long as I don't have to wait too long to see Dr. May, I'll make it to my other appointment right on time!

I had 'decreased' the Xeloda pills this time - now taking a total of 3,000 mg per day. I eliminated two 150 mg pills (per day). I'm still a little tired. It takes me a while to do my chores. I have to sit for a minute before continuing. I have 'some' symptoms. My skin is very dry and peeling a little on my hands - it's really around my finger nails that is dry. My feet not only tingle but if I stand too long they hurt. I keep putting lotion on both (hands and feet).

Not sure if I said this in my last blog = my feet = when I have to explain the feeling....I feel like they are Clown Feet! those humongous shoes! A little comical but hard to explain in any other term.

Other than that = All is Well.

Take care = Enjoy life!