Wednesday, July 31, 2013

the end of July 2013!

Not sure exactly where I left off with my last blog....I write them, not necessarily READ them!  I was told by some of my friends that they check my blog a lot and I should update even if I don't have any here, by 'highly suggested' people, is my update.....

I had my breast biopsy on the 18th by (what I have come to find out just recently) a top surgeon in NJ!  Dr. O'Shea.  She did an ultrasound and the biopsy right in her office and called me with results last Thursday.  She said it IS breast cancer but is still waiting for another pathology report and then she will meet with Dr. May (who will be returning to work from her vacation tomorrow) and I have an appointment with Dr. May scheduled for Tuesday the 6th of August.

At this point, I have no idea of 'what type' of breast cancer I have except that it is NOT related to colon cancer and if I can beat colon cancer (as I have so far) breast cancer will be a breeze!  Sure, that's what the surgeon says.....

Oh yes, I did go for my mammogram too........OMG!!!  I kind of remembered how it felt....but now I know why some of us hold off a little to get one......I know what a piece of steak feels like when you put it in a George Forman Grill!!!!  or a sandwich in a panini press!!!!

That's my update.  I know I may have said this before but I'll say it again = if my health was the lottery = I'd be a millionaire!!!

I'm in great spirits right now....knowing I have another bump in the road with a few curves ahead....with all your prayers and knowing it's in the hands of God - I will get through this.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I went for the breast biopsy on Thursday....won't get results until this week = probably the end of the week.

Dr. May is on vacation this week....

The breast surgeon's name is Dr. O'Shea.  A very young woman and very nice.  Came into the room (without a uniform and wasn't sure she was the doctor until she introduced herself).  Very pleasant.  Congratulated me for being a survivor....I said I wasn't....feeling that if I made it through a year without chemo and/or anything coming back = then I'd consider myself a survivor.  The last time I had chemo was the end of August 2012 - almost made it....but 'new' lesions came back in

The only way I can put this === If my health was the lottery, I'd be a millionaire!!!!

Can't win playing the cash lottery but I can expect something new to grow that isn't suppose to be there!

Right now, I'm feeling like I can and will conquer the may take some more time....but I will get there!!!!

I'm going for a mammogram tomorrow (Monday)......another NEW venture coming soon!!!  Oh how lucky can a girl get?!!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013 - it's been a long time......

It's been a long time = feeling really good and I still do.....BUT with having stage 4 - it can come back, which it did.

I had a CT scan back in March which showed two new nodules in my lungs.  Everyone has nodules that come and go.  We (Dr. May and myself) weren't too concerned at that time and decided to 'watch' it.  Three months later I had a PET scan which is actually better.

I'm allergic to the iodine contrast for the CT scan so it just shows anything new and sizes.  The PET scan illuminates cancerous growths along with sizes.  Words used in the reports are 'suggesting' and 'could indicate'.....meaning that they can only 'see' them as a photo but not being able to actually know without a biopsy if they are.....

This scan report showed two nodules in my lungs that have grown; a new lesion in my liver; and something in my breast. 

I am in the process of scheduling a bioposy/ultrasound for my breast.  To find out if this is 'breast cancer' or still considered 'colon cancer which has spread'.  Once the findings come back we will proceed with the correct chemo therapy.

No surgery is set for the breast = Dr. May wants to see it actually shrink while doing chemo.  Eventually if it doesn't go away on its own, then surgery will be considered.

Right now, I am a bit upset - I was almost considered a 'survivor' - last chemo I had was last August!  But I have resigned myself to knowing that there is always a possibility of this appearing again = which it has.  I am a strong, thick headed, woman and if a 5 year old has to go through this and still smile = I can do this again!

Dr. May is trying to schedule the breast biopsy (which is just an office visit) for this coming week...once the results are back then we will discuss what will be done.

Thank you all who have continued to pray for me and I ask you again to start.  At one point I tended to 'not' believe in miracles' but I shake my head and say that this is really a miracle!  finding this now while everything is small - if I bet this before = I can do it again!  Now to pray that once I begin my chemo that my side effects and symptoms are easy enough to handle.